Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Have a question? We have an answer! Check out some of our most frequently asked questions below.
No, but as a Y Member, you’ll receive $150 off camp! Camp will honor ANY current YMCA membership in the country. If you intend to use your local YMCA Branch during the summer, you should purchase your membership through that Branch.
Yes, a $100.00 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is required to secure each spot per camper, per session (all two week sessions will require a $200.00 deposit – $100.00 per week). The deposit must be received at time of registration.
Transportation for your camper round trip from the Chris-Town YMCA for a fee of $120.00 round trip or $60.00 one way, and a Stay-Over Session charge of $125.00 (each stay-over) will combine 2 or more sessions together. Additionally, parents have the option of making a deposit into the Camp Store for their camper’s use towards the purchase of drinks, snacks, and camp memorabilia.
If a lower cost is needed to allow your camper to attend, you may fill out the Financial aid application, available online. Partial Scholarships are awarded based on individual needs. Parents are encouraged to pay as much as they can. We will make an offer to everyone who applies. Parents are still required to pay the camp deposit if a specific session is requested. Payment arrangements from the parents are required to be made before the camp session. Financial Assistance can only be applied for through the Camp Office, not your local Branch.
Final payments are due the first day of your camp session.
Campers who are turning 7 this summer are the youngest campers accepted into camp. Several of our programs have additional age requirements. To participate in age restricted programs, the camper in question must be the appropriate age for the program by July 31st. Exceptions regarding age can only be made by the Summer Camp Director. The oldest campers attending our camps are 16 (with the exception of our Counselors In Training Camp). There are different programs and specialty opportunities available as campers get older. This is called progressive programming and we give Campers more responsibility to plan their schedule as they get older.
Check In / Out
For Camp Sky-Y, the campers should arrive on opening day (Sunday) between 1:00pm-3:00pm for check in and pick up time at the camp on closing day (Saturday) is between 9:00am-11:00am.
Bus Check-In at the Chris-Town – YMCA is at 10:30am. Bus Check-Out is at 11:30am-Noon. You will be notified of any delays by the Camp Director.
To speed up the check in process, please fill out and bring the Horse Waiver with you.
The last day of camp, parents must “sign out” their camper with the Assistant Camp Director. A photo I.D. is required to “sign out” your camper. If someone other than the parent/guardian plans on picking up your child, you must call the Front Office.
Preparing for Camp
All campers must have a physical examination within 2 years prior to attending Camp.
If your camper is staying for consecutive weeks, the cost is $125.00 per camper staying for consecutive sessions. All laundry will be taken to be cleaned on Saturday and is usually returned to the camper on Monday so be sure to pack extra clothes for the weekend. Parents wishing to pick up stay-over campers for lunch may do so after signing them out between 9:00am-11:00am on Saturday. NOTE- Stayover Session are only offered between sessions 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 and 6-7.
Air conditioned buses are available for an additional fee of $60.00 one way or $120.00 round trip. Bus pick up and drop off is at the Chris-Town YMCA, 5517 N. 17th Ave. Phoenix. Reservations must be made 2 weeks prior to departure times.
Bus Check-In at the Chris Town – YMCA is at 10:30am. Bus Check-Out is at 11:30am-Noon. You will be notified of any delays by the Camp Director.
Each camper is allowed to make one cabin mate request. Both campers must be within the same age group and of the same gender. We do not guarantee placement, but will make every effort to honor requests. Cabin unity, as well as making new friends, are two of the goals of the camp experience and we encourage each camper to participate in the process of meeting new people.
We want to make sure that each camper feels welcome and part of the cabin group from the moment the program begins. Campers that have many friends attending of the same age have lots of time during activities and free time to “hangout” and are usually neighbors in the Village.
We have a full time, live in Health Staff. In case of campers feeling ill or having a minor accident which requires first aid, leaders will accompany them to the Health Center. Bumps, bruises, scrapes and tummy aches are all part of camp and our Health Staff is well prepared to handle them. In case of a serious accident, campers are transported to Yavapai Regional Medical Center OR the Urgent Care Center accompanied by a director. Anytime campers are taken to the medical center or are in the Camp Health Center overnight parents are notified.
We take every safety precaution into consideration when planning and conducting our activities and have extensive staff training so that we can avoid accidents, injuries or dangerous situations. All of our staff have been trained in first aid and CPR.
In addition we have full time Health Staff on site. Emergency services are only minutes from camp should the need arise. All of our policies, procedures and rules are developed with the safety of your camper in mind.
Camp staff is identified with a name badge and/or staff shirt. Parents are encouraged to bring campers on the first day to meet the camp staff and become comfortable with the campsite. All visitors must check in at the camp office or be escorted by a camp staff member. We receive regular visits from the Yavapai County Sheriff’s deputies who regularly patrol the area. The Sheriff’s Department is also the coordinating agency in the event of an area wide evacuation or other emergency.
Each camp practices fire drills and other emergency procedures weekly with campers. Parents are notified any time a camper must visit the doctor or is held in the Health Center overnight.
We have a small store at camp that carries a variety of snacks, clothing, and souvenirs. All campers will have the opportunity to visit the camp store at various times during the week. The store will also be open on the first and last day of camp for parents.
We do not accept cash at camp, so we ask parents to either deposit store money on opening day or add it to their account during registration. It has been our experience that a camper will find ways to spend as much money as you give them. $20-$40 is the recommended amount per week.
At least two staff members in cabins with campers age 12 year olds and younger, one staff member in cabins with campers age 13 years old and older. Overall camp ratio is 1 counselor per 8 campers.
Staff members are selected based on their experience working with children, specialized knowledge of program areas, and those who represent a high moral character. In addition, we conduct background checks and phone references. Summer Staff are required to attend a one week training that includes: first aid, CPR, camper behavior management, handling discipline, acceptable discipline measures, group work skills, special class planning and more.
The supervision structure at Camp is important for the safety of campers as well. We enlist Head Counselors, Unit Directors and the Camp Director to breakdown the supervision responsibility of the Camp community.
Our newly renovated cabins are fully enclosed with electricity, doors, windows and HVAC. Twin Bunk beds are built in with a 4 inch mattress. Each cabin holds up to 12 campers and 2 counselors.
Campers are placed in cabins by gender and age.
Example: 7-8 year old girls. Girls are put in one village and boys in a separate village. Each camper is allowed to request ONE friend to share their cabin of the same gender and age group. We will NOT mix campers who are 3 years apart in age. In addition, we try to avoid large groups or “cliques” from monopolizing a cabin.
Campers in different age groups and different cabins will have the opportunity to get together throughout the day and week.
Contacting Campers
It is a good idea to send packages a few days prior to the start of the session. You are also welcome to bring camper packages with you the day of arrival and drop them off at the office. Packages should be labeled with First and Last Name and the day you want them delivered.
You can find Care Package suggestions in our packing list.
Being homesick is very real part of the adjustment that many children may experience when they are away from their home and family. We are sensitive to campers and parents who are missing each other. We work hard to support families through the adjustment. Camper Letters to home early in the session may reflect a somber attitude, so don’t be alarmed. We encourage each camper to write a postcard home. Contact us if you receive a second letter or one that causes particular concern.
We are happy to work through the process and keep you informed. Cell Phones are NOT allowed at camp and are ALWAYS a negative influence and do not help the adjustment period. View the camp photo’s & send emails.
There are after hours phone number available for true emergencies or situations that cannot wait until morning – 1-800-660-1385 (Office), 803-460-6038 (David’s Cell), 803-460-6068 (Jenna’s Cell). You will be directed to the contact per camp.
Parents are encouraged to visit camp during the first or last day and meet the staff and see the camp. Mid week visits can be very distracting and are not recommended for the campers since our sessions are only one week long. If your camper is staying more than one week, please use the weekend as your visiting time; go out to lunch, spend the night in town and come back Sunday morning.